------------------------------ Sermons arranged in Bible order, then by scripture text. ------------------------------
Joshua -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"So That You Might Have Success" (Joshua 1:5-9)
God promises Joshua success, not once but twice! Here's how to get it. PDF
Decisions, Decisions! (Joshua 24:14-21)
No matter the decision we should strive to make the right choice. PDF PPT Audio
Putting God First (Joshua 24:14-18)
First things need to be put first! Here is what to give God each day. PDF
Exercise Your Free Will (Joshua 24:15)
Man is a creature of volition and needs to decide if he will serve God. PDF
Judges ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Making Foolish Battle Plans (Judges 6:36-7:25)
Gideon was a simple man, but was God's to defeat the Midianites and Amalekites. PDF
Ruth ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rubies From Ruth (Ruth 1:14-18)
Four great qualities as seen in Ruth that Christians can learn from. PDF
First & Second Samuel -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Story of Hannah (1Samuel 1:26-28)
Moms can appreciate and learn from the example of Hannah. PDF PPT Audio
A Brief Outline of Hannah's Life (1Samuel 1:1-2:21)
The life of Hannah. PDF
Lessons from the Life of Eli (1Samuel 2:12-36)
Eli was a judge and priest, but unfortunately had some problems. PDF
Jesus Christ, The Impossible Dreamer (1Samuel 16:4-7)
Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks upon the heart. PDF
Lessons from Uzzah and the Ark (2Samuel 6:1-10)
A tragic Old Testament story gives valuable lessons for pleasing God. PDF
The Problem of Being in Neutral (2Samuel 11:1-5)
"Push, pull, or get out of the way!" Do something! Do not stay in neutral. PDF
First & Second Kings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Life of Elijah (Part 1) (1Kings 17:17-24)
Elijah's life illustrates the power of providence, faith, and prayer. PDF
The Life of Elijah (Part 2) (1Kings 18:26-29)
An introduction to this man of God, seeing the power of God and conclusion to Elijah's life. PDF
The Life of Elijah (Part 3) (1Kings 19:1-12)
The power of the simple, in being a slave to sin, and the power of Jehovah over idols. PDF
Dealing with Depression (1Kings 19:1-4)
Some examples of depression, causes, and how to deal with it. PDF
Despise Not the Little Things (2Kings 5:10-14)
No one can afford to over look the small thing of life. PDF
Dirty Meat that even Dogs won't Eat (2Kings 9:30-37)
A story about the end of Jezebel, one of the most wicked women of the Bible. PDF
The Lost Book (2Kings 22:8,11-13,19-20)
For most of the religious world today, the Bible is a lost book. PDF
First & Second Chronicles ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
God's Great Promise (2Chronicles 7:11-15)
God answers Solomon's prayer by affirming that the temple will be a house of sacrifice. PDF
Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ezra Prepared His Heart (Ezra 7:6-10)
Ezra set his heart to seek, practice and teach, setting a great example. PDF
Give Us Revival! (Ezra 9:9)
Revival is renewed attention to or interest in something. Such should be done toward the Lord. PDF
Are You Visionary, Missionary, or Stationary? (Neh. 2:11-18)
A lesson on attitude. Nehemiah is reviewed as he rebuilds the wall around Jerusalem. PDF
Nehemiah Rebuilds Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:17-20)
How Nehemiah led the people in the great work of rebuilding. PDF PPT
The People Had a Mind to Work (Nehemiah 4:3-6)
A study of those under Nehemiah's leadership to be able to develop their attitude of work. PDF
The Never Ending Story (Nehemiah 12:27-30,43)
Nehemiah learns that as soon as life gets straight, things will unravel again. PDF Audio
The Language of Ashdod (Nehemiah 13:23-25)
Apostasy begins with using the wrong terminology. PDF PPT
Overview of the Book of Esther
Chapter by chapter notes of this glorious story of God's providential care. PDF
"So That You Might Have Success" (Joshua 1:5-9)
God promises Joshua success, not once but twice! Here's how to get it. PDF
Decisions, Decisions! (Joshua 24:14-21)
No matter the decision we should strive to make the right choice. PDF PPT Audio
Putting God First (Joshua 24:14-18)
First things need to be put first! Here is what to give God each day. PDF
Exercise Your Free Will (Joshua 24:15)
Man is a creature of volition and needs to decide if he will serve God. PDF
Judges ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Making Foolish Battle Plans (Judges 6:36-7:25)
Gideon was a simple man, but was God's to defeat the Midianites and Amalekites. PDF
Ruth ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rubies From Ruth (Ruth 1:14-18)
Four great qualities as seen in Ruth that Christians can learn from. PDF
First & Second Samuel -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Story of Hannah (1Samuel 1:26-28)
Moms can appreciate and learn from the example of Hannah. PDF PPT Audio
A Brief Outline of Hannah's Life (1Samuel 1:1-2:21)
The life of Hannah. PDF
Lessons from the Life of Eli (1Samuel 2:12-36)
Eli was a judge and priest, but unfortunately had some problems. PDF
Jesus Christ, The Impossible Dreamer (1Samuel 16:4-7)
Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks upon the heart. PDF
Lessons from Uzzah and the Ark (2Samuel 6:1-10)
A tragic Old Testament story gives valuable lessons for pleasing God. PDF
The Problem of Being in Neutral (2Samuel 11:1-5)
"Push, pull, or get out of the way!" Do something! Do not stay in neutral. PDF
First & Second Kings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Life of Elijah (Part 1) (1Kings 17:17-24)
Elijah's life illustrates the power of providence, faith, and prayer. PDF
The Life of Elijah (Part 2) (1Kings 18:26-29)
An introduction to this man of God, seeing the power of God and conclusion to Elijah's life. PDF
The Life of Elijah (Part 3) (1Kings 19:1-12)
The power of the simple, in being a slave to sin, and the power of Jehovah over idols. PDF
Dealing with Depression (1Kings 19:1-4)
Some examples of depression, causes, and how to deal with it. PDF
Despise Not the Little Things (2Kings 5:10-14)
No one can afford to over look the small thing of life. PDF
Dirty Meat that even Dogs won't Eat (2Kings 9:30-37)
A story about the end of Jezebel, one of the most wicked women of the Bible. PDF
The Lost Book (2Kings 22:8,11-13,19-20)
For most of the religious world today, the Bible is a lost book. PDF
First & Second Chronicles ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
God's Great Promise (2Chronicles 7:11-15)
God answers Solomon's prayer by affirming that the temple will be a house of sacrifice. PDF
Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ezra Prepared His Heart (Ezra 7:6-10)
Ezra set his heart to seek, practice and teach, setting a great example. PDF
Give Us Revival! (Ezra 9:9)
Revival is renewed attention to or interest in something. Such should be done toward the Lord. PDF
Are You Visionary, Missionary, or Stationary? (Neh. 2:11-18)
A lesson on attitude. Nehemiah is reviewed as he rebuilds the wall around Jerusalem. PDF
Nehemiah Rebuilds Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:17-20)
How Nehemiah led the people in the great work of rebuilding. PDF PPT
The People Had a Mind to Work (Nehemiah 4:3-6)
A study of those under Nehemiah's leadership to be able to develop their attitude of work. PDF
The Never Ending Story (Nehemiah 12:27-30,43)
Nehemiah learns that as soon as life gets straight, things will unravel again. PDF Audio
The Language of Ashdod (Nehemiah 13:23-25)
Apostasy begins with using the wrong terminology. PDF PPT
Overview of the Book of Esther
Chapter by chapter notes of this glorious story of God's providential care. PDF