The Holy Spirit (1): A Person of the Godhead
The Godhead, also known as the Trinity is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not an "it." He is a person to be referred to the in male gender. PDF
The Holy Spirit (2): In Creation and Inspiration
This lesson is about the Spirit's role in material and spiritual creation. Also discussed are the meaning of inspiration and how the Holy Spirit inspired both the Old and New Testaments. PDF PPT
The Holy Spirit (3): In the Old and New Testaments
There are several ways that the Holy Spirit manifested Himself in the Old Testament. This lesson also covers His work in both the Old and New Testaments. PDF
The Holy Spirit (4): Jesus' Teachings on the Spirit
No study of the Spirit would be complete without looking at the New Testament record of what our Lord said about the Holy Spirit. PDF PPT
The Holy Spirit (5): Being Led by the Spirit
This lesson will answer the questions: What does in mean to be led by the Holy Spirit? How are we led by the Spirit? and What are some New Testament examples of being led by the Holy Spirit? PDF
The Holy Spirit (6): How We Receive the Holy Spirit
The religious world of our day is very divided over this topic. By going back to the Scriptures we can get a clearer picture of how and when a person who desires to be a Christian receives the Holy Spirit. PDF PPT
The Holy Spirit (7): The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
Once a person becomes a Christian they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This lesson explores what that means and does not mean for the Christian. Based on this indwelling the Christian has some extra responsibilities in their daily walk. PDF PPT
The Holy Spirit (8): The Holy Spirit and Miracles -- Part 1
This lesson begins a 4-part series concerning the Holy Spirit and the miraculous. This lesson has a brief introduction to NT miracles, followed by the miracles of Jesus, the miracles of the Apostles, and the miracles in the early church. PDF
The Holy Spirit (9): The Holy Spirit and Miracles -- Part 2
This lesson is about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Topics covered include; being filled with the Spirit, the baptism being a promise, the administrator of the baptism, the subjects of the baptism, and the purpose/effects of the baptism. PDF PPT
The Holy Spirit (10): The Holy Spirit and Miracles -- Part 3
Speaking in tongues, that is, other known languages in which they had never studied, was quite prevalent in the first century. The apostle Paul wrote about the proper use of this miraculous gift in 1Corinthians, chapter 14. PDF
The Holy Spirit (11): The Holy Spirit and Miracles -- Part 4
The Holy Spirit in the church today. Topics covered include the purpose of miraculous gifts, the most excellent way of love, the cessation of miraculous powers with examples, and a listing of the non-miraculous gifts of the Spirit. PDF
The Holy Spirit (12): The Fruit of the Holy Spirit
There are two levels of living. One can live after the flesh or after the things of the Spirit. This lesson is about the requirements and benefits of living and producing the fruit of the Spirit. PDF PPT
The Holy Spirit (13): The Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
All studies covering the Holy Spirit have a degree of difficulty. This topic deserves much study and prayer. This lesson gives a list of sins against the Holy Spirit, how some sins are not this blasphemy, and what the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is. PDF PPT